Do you have a User Account? Click on the blue button on the right to login.
No User Account? If you would like to display your creations at the next Japan Brickfest, just click the blue button on the right to create your User Account.
Builder Registration is currently closed.
With your account, you will be able to access this page to complete your builder registration, get more information about Japan Brickfest, and register for any workshops and presentations.
Everyone coming to Japan Brickfest should complete the Builder Registration. This includes group members and people only participating in the Stop Motion competition.
In general your User Account will carry over from year to year if you participate in Japan Brickfest regularly. Inactive accounts are removed.
It’s possible that there may be some issues that occur, especially when there are many users trying to access the site. If you have any trouble, please try reloading the website first or coming back at a later time. If you are still having issues then please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
With your account, you will be able to access this page to complete your builder registration, get more information about Japan Brickfest, and register for any workshops and presentations.
Everyone coming to Japan Brickfest should complete the Builder Registration. This includes group members and people only participating in the Stop Motion competition.
In general your User Account will carry over from year to year if you participate in Japan Brickfest regularly. Inactive accounts are removed.
It’s possible that there may be some issues that occur, especially when there are many users trying to access the site. If you have any trouble, please try reloading the website first or coming back at a later time. If you are still having issues then please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.